"We become what we behold." - William Blake
What do you behold? What do you look at every day? Where do you find yourself looking for self-worth or value? Do you take your gaze to social media? Do you try to escape in a book or TV show? Do you compare yourself to other mamas from church or the park? Do you constantly feel less-than? Maybe it is time to change your gaze.
"Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil."
Proverbs 4:25-27
As we navigate the choppy waters of motherhood and parenting, it can be so easy to compare ourselves to others around us. We can too easily find ourselves looking to the right or the left. Scrolling social media and either getting an ego boost or feeling less-than. God does not want this for you, friend. He warns us of this, because He knows our natural tendencies as humans to compare ourselves to those around us. I'm sure I'm not the first person to tell you Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram are not real life. They are only tiny bits of the whole picture or curated moments designed to capture your attention. To sell you a product or make you feel you don't measure up in some way.
It is natural to want to share our highlight reels and proud moments, I am completely guilty of this all the time. Although I always try to be open, honest and real about my parenting journey, I don't necessarily feel all warm and fuzzy and desire to take a picture of my 5-year-old having an illogical meltdown over her shoes. But it does happen! And it happens to every single mama to ever walk the earth. You aren't alone in the hard moments, even if you don't see other's hard moments.
This is why it is so important to be careful where you fix your gaze. Fix your eyes straight ahead. And learn to look up. Instead of numbing out in front of a screen, open your Bible or take a walk. Maybe go sit outside and listen to the birds' chirp or observe the breeze dancing through the tree branches. Put the phone down and go play Uno for the millionth time with your 7-year-old. Fix your eyes on what is right in front of you, which is your family and your kids. We each have been blessed in different ways, and we all have blessings to count if we look for them.
Comparison is the thief of joy and by golly does the enemy do a little happy dance every time we feel discontent in our own situations or with how God has chosen to bless us. I may not have a big fancy house or millions of dollars in the bank, but I'll tell you what I do have, that Satan can't take away from me, and that is JOY. And LOVE. And FAITH. My value and your value is not made up of what you look like, what your home looks like, how much money you have in the bank, or what others think about you. You are valued because of who made you, and that is God. He loves you so much and when you fix your eyes on Him, the rest of the world will pale in comparison.
Will we stumble from time to time, yes. Will we wish we could take that luxurious vacation or have that new car? Maybe. But, warning, if you gaze upon those things for too long, they will start to steal your joy and your contentment with your own life. Don't miss out on the beautiful life God has given you, because you are too busy wishing for something else. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, and all the things of this world will grow strangely dim. You are blessed beyond measure dear one, just to have breath in your lungs. Those little eyes are watching you. Make sure they are watching you fix your eyes on what truly matters.
I love you mama and God loves you, oh so much! You are doing a wonderful job. Keep up the amazing work raising those kiddos.